Buy League of Legends account

Leveling to level 30 can be very frustrating. If you already played once and you want an alternative account you can save time and effort by buying a league of legends account.

Leveling from level 1 to 30 can take weeks, up to months, time you could’ve spent on the rift playing with people on your own skill level instead of pubstomping new players. League of Legends is a very popular game right now and most players need more than one account.

The best smurf start you can get is buying a level 30 unranked league of legends account where you can chose to spend the IP(Influence Points) on various champions, possibly the ones you prefer.

Since Runes are getting reworked this summer you can spend even more IP on the champions you prefer.

With the new 10 ban system that was implemented in patch 7.11 you will now need 20 champions to queue for ranked, from the previous 16.

If you want to buy lol account you can do it from which is the best and most safe place to buy your league of legends accounts from.

They offer quality accounts with instant delivery, and if you’re not happy you can get a 30 day money back guarantee which will keep you safe. Checkout is instant and is powered by Paypal, the most secure payment online.

So buy a League of Legends account instead of level it by yourself, you won’t regret it. All those hours you could’ve used to practice instead of just playing. If you want to improve this is probably the most proven way to get ranking faster.

If you’re stuck on the same ELO on your current account you can try to start smurfing. Since the MMR is reset you will notice the climbing and ELO gains to be higher than usual. This is because of the unranked status of the account, which means that it has never been ranked previously.

Remeber to get your lol account from

Thanks for reading, cya in the rift!


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